Q&A :)

Dear reader,

I come again here to talk more about books :) Hehe, I felt very mature writing that. Okay so, a few days ago I posted a story on my Instagram (@sincerely_daria_) asking you guys to leave any questions you might have for me to answer on my blog. I can only answer a few now because there were so many, but just know that I have read every single one and that I thank anyone who has wrote one!! Now, let's begin! 

"How do you read so fast?"/ "How can I read faster?"

This question I get on a daily basis and I just want to say this: THERE IS NO RIGHT PACE FOR READING! Please, don't force yourself to read faster just because you consider yourself a "slow reader" or because you saw someone else read more books than you. Every reader has their own pace and there is no right or wrong one! The only thing that truly matters is that you have fun and love reading:) Just enjoy it and stop worrying!

"What was your inspiration for writing?"

Everything started on summer break (when I was still 13) and I told my mom: "I am bored!". She immediately replied with: "How can you be bored when there's so much to be done? Do something new and fun!". And my little 13 year old brain decided that writing a book was something I needed to try:) I always loved going outside and looking up at the sky, just dreaming while watching the stars, so it wasn't hard to choose what I would want to write about. I am really grateful that my past self has made the decision to start writing!

"How can I start writing a book?"

Well, I can't cover this question in only a few sentences, I'll have to write a whole essay about it. But, what I really want to say is that you should focus more on the journey and not on the final destination. Writing the book is the fun part, the result is just a bonus! If you have fun and love what you do it will show in your work!

Again, thank you for these questions and for the other ones I couldn't respond! I really hope this helps anyone who needs and until next time, I'll write back;)


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Instagram: @sincerely_daria_

TikTok: @sincerely_daria

Goodreads: Daria Marchis


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